
Showing posts from March 27, 2013

|| terrible wednesday ||

so last night i went to be around midnight, only to be woken up at 1 sick to my stomach. every hour on the hour after that i was woken up and ran to the bathroom.  this is definitely NOT the spring break that i imagined.  this is terrible and now there isn't anything left in my stomach but the cause of my sickness. and i don't know what to do. ugh being sick is the worst. and today i was going to go to the gym. i guess not.  i haven't done anything since the post from yesterday! except i went grocery shopping with my mom, then headed over to see my dad's new baseball team cause i needed to get out of the house i was going insane! i hope you all are having a better spring break than me, i wouldn't wish this on anyone, its terrible and i just want someone to sit with and watch movies all day... xoxo jordyn standage