• taking its last breath •

summer took its last breath today • 

my crazy hectic yet lazy week:

Monday: I went to seven peaks with te Kocsis it was fun I played with gabby the whole day I didn't get any pictures but she's the cutest girl ever!! I came home & went to the pool and then read a book called "Dreamsleeves" it's the best book ever I tell you more about it! 

Tuesday: I went to the pool for most of the day then came home and got caught up on my Big Brother, man I love that show :) Also today it was Peter Standages Birthday, he is 5 now. I hope heaven is treating him well! 

{ Peter, 
I miss you sweet boy! I can't wait to see you again I know you'll be waiting for me. I love you! 
your cousin Jordyn }

Wednesday: I got up early to go work at BTT then sprinted over to the Chevron to meet for Ashleigh's not-so-surprise-party, we went out boating with Ricky again...fun stuff!! 

Thursday: Suprise suprose i went to the pool cause none of my friends can EVER hang out and there is nothing to do in Suncrest  and all the Lone Peak kids are back in school. But later that night i headed over to Ashanti's party complete with hilarious Jordan girls, cute Jordan guys, and a zillion Alta kids ( some cute some..not ;) ) it was pretty funny. best part-when Mitchell and Garrett were just laughing at everything they said...who even knows what was going on. 

Friday: i went to Alta to find my classes only to realize I printed off the wrong schedule...then there was a stomp at 7 but again none of my friends went cause they are lame!! So I waited till 9 to head out to Victoria's pool party. It was a blast  Kenzie, Katrina, Josh M. and I are in a club...it's a weird club but you can't get out of it so it's cool ;) Wanna join? You'll love initiation

6 on 1..

Alec got his wisdom teeth out.no swimming for him!!

my club mates!

Saturday: after I didn't get home till late and couldn't fall asleep till one I woke up at 6:30 to run a 5k one that cost me 25$ to be exact. I got a shirt...it made it all worth it! Not! But Asher is on drill so I'm being a good best friend and went for her!! Then that night was the BLACK AND BLUE CLASSIC. Candace and I rode Trax down with a kid I've been crushing on this summer! But it was fun we got to the game and got 3rd row in the student section. what up?! there were a ton of sophomore guys behind can and I and can I just say that they weren't only cute but hilarious?? seriously the sophomore guys might just be my new best friends. BUT on the way home holy hectic. it was no joke a FIGHT to get on Trax. it smelled and was hot and gross but so fun!! ( pics below ) we met Tyler Smith a soon to be sophomore and JT (Jordan Tanner) a senior they were pretty chill. but the Bingham kids were so sad cause we WON. WHAT UP? yeah eat it! hahah we were so happy but then the way home I sat next to more sophomores ( I think I just attract them cause I am never around juniors or seniors!! ) but they were chill. I got home at 1:20ish cause a Trax train broke so that took forever but it was cool

 rachel likes my hair curly so i curl it for her!

 third row student section..what up??

 my best friends!! :)
( the sophomore guys that stood behind us..lets please be best friends? you guys were hilarious! )

trax got a little sweaty..eat it bingham..we won!

 hey theres boomer!

i was above everyone standing on a seat!! (Look its my friend JT)

 panoramic pic of trax...we couldn't move.

 can looks like she is gonna cry!!

 squished..can where did you go??

 sitting next to sophomores after waiting about 20 minutes for a train!! 

insta pic of the night.

congrats boys you deserve it! :)

what a more perfect way to go out with a bang. 

Sunday: running on no energy I went to church to find out MELISSA ESPLIN is in YW now. seriously go to her blog right now!! you'll be addicted I am!! welcome Melissa!! can't wait to hang out with you @ YW! :) then I am headed to a back to school fireside with a couple kids from the ward like right now doin gotta scedaddle. talk to you later!!

xoxo jordyn
