[ the mall ]

so as most of you may know i work at the mall ( along with 3 other jobs ) but i work at the mall.. So i am constantly passing stores and looking falling in love with everything in the store but i just don't make that much..depressing i know.
BUT you do see a lot of stuff that goes on and i usually get the Saturday morning shift i've had it for the past three weeks covering for other people but i saw today

-free hug people (one group of cute guys, group of girls, and a group of older "stranger" people) but i got probably a total of 20 or 30 hugs.. thats probably more than ive ever gotten from people i actually know..( not really but i don't get hugs that often )

-MRS. BATEY! she was at the mall today, she remembered my name and said i worked for satan.. cupcakes really aren't of satan are they??

-the cutest little girl, mom and grandma. they sat on the bench in front of me talked to me and kept me company for seriously probably an hour. the mall was so slow today it was crazy!

-a group of people with the color of the rainbow hair (one had red, another orange, another yellow and so on..) cool but weird, i wish i could do that to my hair have it be a different color and actually make it work. i think i could only get away with the tips a different color.

-a lot of Utah Utes shirts.

-totally not being biast because i like BYU but there were A TON of Blue Blue shirts, shoes, hats, and so on walking around the mall today.

-also there were a ton of the color run runners that stopped by to get some pretzel time..really people run a 5k then get pretzels? why not just get a cupcake huh?

-the owner of Pretzel Maker...he is quite the character. even though he is way older than me i have a feeling we would be great friends..in a totally non creepy or weird way.

-my friend Sabina and her date JJ and a couple friends that were there eating lunch for their day date for their Lone Peak homecoming tonight! :) 

-and i probably saw a lot more funny/cool/weird things today i just can't remember. 

now we still have about 2 hours to waste till most all of Utah (about 99% will be sitting in front of a TV watching the big game. me personally i don't really care i just watch it so i know what everyone is talking about at school next week!

oh also working at the mall has some perks, i get discounts in Forever 21, and Charolette Russe..i probably get them more places to but i don't really shop any where else!

well have a great night fellow readers.
watch the game @ 8. Root for the COUGS!

jordyn s.


  1. Fun post about the mall happenings. I've never worked at a mall before. Kind of surprised myself with that realization! :) So nice to get discounts at Forever 21 & Charlotte Russe! :)


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