// perfect ending //

okay so tonight couldn't have been a more perfect ending to a more perfect long weekend!

so to start the day off i didn't get out of bed until about 1ish. then when i did i took the longest shower ever..and contemplated all of my life decisions (doesn't everyone do that?) i love it, cause i always do that. 
but after the life decision making i just chilled watched some tv ate some food it was a pretty chill afternoon. 

then Sarah texts me and we are gonna hang out. so i get ready, make my self look publicly acceptable and left. i picked sarbear up and we headed to the dollar store to get kazoos cause sarbear loves them cause they are hours of entertainment.. so we got those got back in the car.. HELLO they DON'T work. Welcome to the dollar store, you get what you pay for. but its okay cause i got plastic bubbles. 

but we couldn't play with them yet cause we were meeting Ryan Stephenson at u-swirl. we got there and had a lovely little chat and ryan walks and in the chat only gets better.. we talk about our crush history (since kindergarten) i realized i don't settle for long.. and thats a problem cause you end up alone while 6th graders have boy friends #firstworldproblems hahaha

then after that we took a little walk to great harvest to find out that ryan's brother is married and is happy with.. a wife! oh too good ryan too good. so we went to ryans house..but he kept driving in the middle of the road and switching lanes everytime i did so we took a little detour and ryan was going straight we went to go down pioneer cause we were going to his house thats on pioneer...so we turned he followed called us and thought we were ditching him..haha we weren't we were just beating him.. but NO HE BEAT US. but we went the speed limit so we WIN. after that we went to draper park.. blew some plastic bubbles only to find out that sarah lied to us when she said she never had done it before..she was pro. she so had, i don't know why she would lie to us like that.
oh sarbear 
look at this perfect bubble. 

but we were talking for awhile and then ryan told us about THE WORLDS BEST DATE. like he should have an assembly for all alta boys on what that date was cause i would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to go on that. but after that we went back to ryans and went inside and ryan sang to sarah and i.. he melted my heart..seriously like hes amazing! and he writes his own songs whats not to love? ryan you are amazing and pretty (beard or no beard)

then powell came and we got some energy back in us..we were crazy and then jake smith and josh mciff came over, it was a party and a few minutes later Katrina Jones and Kenzie Middleton show up. we all head over to whisper dome.have some fun there and then go to josh's house.. powell and sarah and i were in a car together and man..powell is an amazing singer like almost as amazing as ryan, but not quite that good yet, but he is getting there! then we play a few games at josh's house. i totally beat ryan in a basketball shoot out 99 to 54 ;) then there was a MAJOR game of Foosball going on it was jake and sarah vs. powell and ryan. powell and ryan won. but jake and sarah almost came back. josh and i were score keepers/cheerleaders. but everytime jake got mad he would push me out the way and punch my water bottle..but i placed it back there everytime with out fail. oh man the prayers that were said before and after the games were prime.. jake can we please be best friends? you are so funny. but the guys were looking up this girl on the FB. so i went in and looked gave my 2 cents and everyone thought it was the funniest thing.. the girl looks like squidward. no joke ask jake, ryan or josh. she = squidward.. i proved my place..i am funny! then we all just hung out and did whatever then sarbear and i left..

if only if only if only you could hear our converation on the ride home #heplayssoccer #whyyagottaleavemeout #leavehimout? #herunstheplace #dateonmonday? what? #madlyinlove oh sarbear we are too funny for our own good.

great night. the best way to end the long weekend.

greatest people: Ryan Stephenson, Powell Dubois, Josh McIff, Jake Smith, Sarah Willes, Katrina Jones, Kenzie Middleton

so much fun tonight.

xoxo jordyn standage
hope your ending to the perfect weekend was as great as mine! :)
