// spiritual sunday 2 \\

okay so i think spiritual sunday last week went over pretty well..it inspired Ashleigh to make a board by her bed reminding her of her "challenges" for the week.

so here it goes today i took these

=every aspect of everyone's lives is important to god.
=jesus knew what he was supposed to do in life at age 12, we should strive to know what our meaning in life is young as well.
=the first miracle jesus ever preformed was for his mother, when he turned water into wine at a wedding.
=When Peter walked on water and started to notice the winds and waves he started to sink. We shouldn't look at the "winds & waves" in life but look at god and he will help and direct you.
=In a song we listened to Becky pointed out the fact that not only will we call Jesus our friend he will call us his friend as well.

=John 8:7 "whoever is perfect can cast the first stone" jesus treated the woman who sinned with love and compassion. he didn't get mad at her and make her feel unloved so she wouldn't come back, he made her feel special so she wouldn't sin anymore.
=John 19:25
=John 2:4-5
=Matthew 12:46-50
=Matthew 9:30
=Matthew 14:25-31
=Matthew 5:22
=John 8:12
=D&C 45:7
These (above) are all scriptures to help you understand christ as a person more and what he was really like.
These (below) are all scriptures to help you understand more about the holy ghost.
=Helamen 5:30
=John 14:26 - he is here to teach us with a still small voice
=D&C 85:6-7
=2nd Nephi 32:5
=D&C 88:67-68
i know that is a lot of scriptures for today but if you look them up all today. a few per day or all tomorrow..when ever you can open your scriptures and read them. they will help you.

=learn about Mary Magdalene
=What age was Jesus when he went on a mission?
=What were Jesus's siblings names?
=What is God's will for you?
=Pray to Heavenly Father to ask for guidance everyday
=Wake up and look for the blessings you could have that day
=Go to bed and thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings you did have that day

i hope this helps everyone in their own different ways

xoxo jordyn standage
