< rough day >

okay so i am honestly trying to be a positive person, especially this week, but today i couldn't take it. 

during the Junior Assembly I was very impressed with everything! -Way to be Josie for singing the National Anthem so amazing!
-and for the royalty videos i have some "awards"
 <Sydney and Kramers was just plain cool, i mean the cars, planes, everything it was amazing!
 <Becca and Hunter yours was the most comical  Seriously I just loved the awkwardness and could totally see that happening..just kidding! but it was hilarious
 <Bizzy and Billy....i don't even know what to say, you guys are just straight up in love! i know it! i can totally tell that your video will become a total reality one day ;) yours was the most "true"  (Totally kidding! but i loved the Harlem Shake!)
-the prom theme video..oh man! it was to good! did you see me on screen for that .2 seconds that i was? cause it was pretty sick if you ask me! i'll be at the showing when it comes out in theaters! jokes but good job Blake! you're amazing at all these videos!!
-Wanted...oh my heck! i seriously died you guys did so great, i actually cried..okay well not cried teared up. i am not sure if thats cause it was so amazing or that i don't have a date..but Matt, Kramer, Kate, Abby you guys are amazing! way to be!

it was a great assembly! way to be everyone that was in it! :)
don't forget that tomorrow is thriftshop thursday so wear your grandads clothes! 

xoxo jordyn standage
