•• I don't wanna grow up ••

Sometimes I like to picture myself in different scenarios of me all grown up. I have pictured me as a photographer traveling the world, a teacher, a marine biologist spending time with animals and on the beach in Cali, as a blogger in New York, as a stay at home mom in Nashville, as a personal trainer for a big sports team. I don't know where I want to be in a few years, I don't know what I want to go to college for. I keep thinking I have time to figure it all out but in all honesty I don't I mean senior year is right around the corner and college is a block away and right now the road is so foggy!

It's funny because when I was younger I pictured my life with me falling in love with my high school sweetheart (don't have one) living in draper (I want to get out of here so bad) working as a teacher (still a possibility) but everything has changed so much since then because all I want to do is travel. "Traveling is the only think that you can buy to make you richer" I believe this quote 100%. This summer I am going to save up for a few trips I want to take my senior year like a 22 day trip/safari/humanitarian trip to Africa, a photography trip to Puerto Rico and a trip to Australia with a US ambassador program I've been invited to since 5th grade! Maybe going through all of those things will get my mind thinking of what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Fellow juniors the future is creeping up on us so quickly it will be here before we know it! Next year we will be walking on stage getting our diplomas doesn't that scare you because after that we are adults in college (or on missions) be prepared for major senioritis and college stress. But I believe we can do it! Separated between CC and Alta we will make it and be on our own sooner than you think!

To seniors this year: you guys are all most out of this place! And let's be real you already are senioritis is kicking in major right about now since colleges have sent out acceptance letters you're golden! But you guys can make it less than 100 days left and you're all on missions and in college.

The future is now are you ready?

Xoxo Jordyn Standage

P.S. please help me get my readers back! A TON have stopped reading and I miss them share my blog on ALL social media please! 
