\\ my heart, soul and mind //

hey guys jordyn here i just wanted to let you know that i am running for senior class president and before you close the tab and move on. please read on. I want to tell you why i am running for SCO and why you should vote for me.

I have ran for Class Officer every year. Sophomore, Junior and now Senior. I have also "ran" to be a cheerleader and I haven't made any so far! I want that to change. Guys I love Alta so much, i love everyone that goes there. You all have made my experience so amazing! And i just want to let you know that i sincerely appreciate it. from the people who i have gone to dances with to the people i just say hi to in the halls, it has all added to the amazing times i have had at alta high school.  I want this more than anything, and this being my last chance i am putting my whole heart into this. I won't give up i want to be apart of the Alta High School student government, it has always been a dream and I couldn't think of anything more I would want to do in High School. I want you to know that I will do all i can for you if you elect me into office tomorrow. 

I love Alta, I love you and i want to help make your experience at Alta so amazing. And guys next year is our senior year! It has to be fun and I promise to make it a year for the books. Alta High Class of 2014 will go down in history as the best class ever. I am not kidding one little bit. Next year will be amazing. You have got a friend in me. Vote Jordyn Standage as your Senior Class President. you won't regret it and you will make my dreams come true. literally.

please keep in mind that I want this more than life and I have worked so hard every year. Not making it crushes me, let not make this election like the others please. vote for jordyn standage as your Class President. I will lead you in the right direction. PLEASE. I am going to beg you now! please please please please please! I cannot express how badly i want this! I won't give up on you if you don't give up on me. We can do this!

Hop on board with Jord, Vote Sporty Jordy, Wrap it up (senior year) with a Standage Bandage, You've got a friend in me Jordyn Standage.

Again, i have been waiting for the longest time to be apart of the alta high school student government. I love you all and hope you love me enough to vote for me for president and tell all your friends. p.s. check out the video at the bottom!! :)

xoxo jordyn standage
