today was needed
it was the most tiring day of my life
 but one of the greatest eye opening experiences ever

i woke up at the butt crack of dawn
went to work
went to class 
went to work
went to class
reffed volleyball games
went to the library
and now i just got back from an hour long run.

it was awesome.
i run quite often
and quite far. 

i amaze myself everyday. 
this time i ran back and forth across ephraim
looking at everything around me. 
it is so beautiful.
as i was taking it all in i started thinking about my worries 
like what is going on with ezra 
what is going on with my roommates
why i always feel so put out
and what i am going to do for spring break. 

then i was thinking that ezra is out serving the lord, 
he doesn't need me on his mind  and that is okay with me.

then i was thinking that my roommates are annoyed with me
but then i thought that they are my roommates
and some of my favorite girls ever
even though i feel like i annoy them
i know they are there if i need anything.
and I am there for them.

i always feel put out because of my introverted extroverted personality
i like being with a ton of people
but i like being alone with a ton of people 

and what i am doing for spring break...
i am honestly kinda mad that nothing is happening
i was excited to get out of my zone i'm in right now and relax
but plans failed miserably
and i am staying in ephraim working everyday basically all day.
so much for a break. 
BUT its all for the children in India so everytime i want to complain 
i think of sunita. and my heart melts and i can only be happy. 

it was a long run and my phone died
but it was a much needed run. 
it cleared my head and finally got me back into a blog zone.

i love being in a blog zone because i feel like a weight is lifted off of my shoulders
when i blog.
its my online journal.
so your in the brain of jordyn right now.
hope thats cool with you.
if not.
get out.

but yeah.
thats it.
post over

xoxo jordie.
