so sorry its been a long time friends.
but school started, nannying started and I am busier than ever.
wanna hear about my life?
great lets get started.

well my fam is down to 1 car. the saturn died for good on me when i was on my way to take a test for one of my classes.. So that's awesome right? now we have 1 car where my dad needs to get to work, i need to get to work, school, get to Eden's for YMAD stuff and my internship, my mom needs to get to work and my brothers need to get to school all at different times. It's a joy honestly it is.

Right now I literally have 0$ in my bank account because I had to pay tuition which is $6,000 at the U for me. Now I am gonna have to take out a loan for a car because i need one to get to my million places that my family now can't help with because our schedules suck. Which is stressing me out. I need to move out because 1 I hate this mountain more than anything. I would love to be closer to either work or school so its not 30 minutes both ways. I'd rather commute to school because i can be late for school but i can't be late for work. but refer to the first sentence of this paragraph i have 0 dollars to do it.

holy hannah my mind is running a million times a minute. because not only do i need to worry about moving out and paying for a car i also am worrying about the 20 credits i am taking which includes anatomy and physiology AND statistics. I feel like i can't breathe because there is so much to worry about.

as a lot of you may know i am also one of the country directors for YMAD this year so there is a lot of time and effort and money needed to hit my goals with that as well! This one i am not as stressed about because i honestly have a testimony of fundraising like today i made 100 dollars just for YMAD so that's a plus right?

THEN there is my internship with Kortni Jeane down in Provo, honestly one of the greatest things because I get to help with the blog and create with that and GUYS GUESS WHAT I HAVE A BLOG SO I HAVE EXPERIENCE AND I LIKE IT SO THAT IS SO INCREDIBLE + i GET TO WORK WITH KORTNI HERSELF, SHE IS LITERALLY ONE OF MY IDOLS!

+ I need to find a place that i can get an extra 100 dollars to fix my phone screen that shattered at work last week.. thanks samsung active phones i thought you were supposed to be indestructible.

and even on top of that there is dating and the fact that boys drive me crazy sometimes is also shredding my thoughts.

being in college is hard guys it really is.
all those costs mentioned above add up to roughly 15,000 - things i have paid for already from summer savings thats like 9,000.

so right now instead of studying i am blogging then i am brainstorming how i am going to get all that money by like tomorrow.. wish me luck..

so sorry its the worst post ever but this is my blog and this is honestly the only things going on in my life right now. work, school, car, YMAD, internship, boys. boys shouldn't be on that list but guys im a 20 year old girl how could they not be..

xoxo jordie
