
Showing posts from August 21, 2012

• 4 Things •

okay lets take it back for a minute okay? here are somethings about me i bet you didnt know   1. I had two hairs growing out of my tongue a couple years ago. Yes my tongue, they were a couple inches and growing in the middle of my tongue..who knows how they got there but they were there. you are probably grossed out but i think its pretty awesome!!   2. I got my tooth knocked out..well not technically knocked out just so that it was facing you when you stood in front of me. I was playing on the glider and i was getting the rope that was hanging on the bottom of it and it came back to hit me in the face got caught on my tooth and pulled it out.. But whats really weird about that is i didn't even feel it or anything i didn't know until Ashleigh Davis told me that it was sticking out. i went to the orthodontist and they pushed it back down somehow and put a splint on it..i loved that splint it was cool and tasted like peppermint! (you can read more about this on my...