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So this week had been mellow so far but we don't have school tomorrow so that's fun :) Monday and Tuesday I nannied, on Tuesday I also did a Photoshoot with the one and only Nikki MacPhee the most amazing photographer ever like look at these pictures She's amazing I mean there is proof. Wednesday I was supposed to go to Washington Elementary downtown to teach the kids our lessons for india as a mock lesson in a way. But we got there to find out that they were having parent teacher conferences so there were only 3 girls. We had Jordan do a little lesson and 2 girls had to leave so Olivia was the only one left. She was really shy but she kinda warmed up to me, then she left for 5 minutes and came back and was so shy, there were like 8 teens and just her, she wouldnt even come sit by me anymore so I asked her if she wanted to get away from everyone so just us two went and drew pictures, she was talking with me then. It kin...