| Adventures of Erin & Jordyn |

today i was bored of just chillin at home. so Erin and I went to the Rugby club social and that was kinda cool, but then we found out it costs $40 so I am going to get my t-shirt and be team cheerleader! but we went to that, then Erin had a few math problems left then we went on an adventure. We started walking around and met a kid named Connor and met our backdoor neighbors and all that fun stuff then we went over to Snow Gardens..and we saw Taylor, Tanner, and Ian. so we went and hung out with them. then Taylor brings out his laser pointer and we went on a spree that night. Taylor is basically the greatest kid ever, like i love him so freaking much. there is this sign on the door and it was like "can you come in?" and it had girls and boys and if you were a boy it said come on in and under girls it was like do you have food blah blah blah. but taylor saw the boys come on in part and it was hilarious cause he knocked and just walked right in. he didn't know t...