// spiritual sunday 2 \\

okay so i think spiritual sunday last week went over pretty well..it inspired Ashleigh to make a board by her bed reminding her of her "challenges" for the week. so here it goes today i took these <notes> = every aspect of everyone's lives is important to god. =jesus knew what he was supposed to do in life at age 12, we should strive to know what our meaning in life is young as well. =the first miracle jesus ever preformed was for his mother, when he turned water into wine at a wedding. =When Peter walked on water and started to notice the winds and waves he started to sink. We shouldn't look at the "winds & waves" in life but look at god and he will help and direct you. =In a song we listened to Becky pointed out the fact that not only will we call Jesus our friend he will call us his friend as well. <scriptures> =John 8:7 "whoever is perfect can cast the first stone" jesus treated the woman who sinned with love and c...