•• 10 things ••
There is this 5 things going around on Instagram and some are entertaining some are just plain stupid. But I have nothing else to post about so here goes nothing 10 things people probably don't know about me: 1 - I don't have a middle name, my mom said it was hard choosing a middle name from get real one or her maiden name so I don't have one. Lame I know. 2 - I hate the cold. Love winter but hate being freezing ask my family my room is always the hottest in the house. I also sleep with sweats, socks and three blankets + a comforter on. 3 - I want to travel! Everywhere! Australia, France, China, Brazil, Bhutan. Anyone in? 4 - At every single basketball game I secretly wish it was a football game. I love football season and miss it so much! But I am scared for it to come this year because its gonna be my senior season! And i don't know if I'm ready for that. 5 - Contradicting my above confession I have senioritis as a junior. It's so bad! Every morning ...