《The sun in shining》

September 4th That is the day where it was fun an amazing day. Nothing changed from my usual school day except my attitude. I just had the best attitude today, yeah I was dead tired but as a wise kid (sam barney) once said, "this year can be the best year if you make it that way." So many people have said that to "me" jake smith, elder mika, anna stuart (multiple times) and now it is hitting home with me. I met Stacy and Sabrina in my classes today, both seniors one went to lone peak and played softball and then the other did online school and hated it but loves CC. I am so glad, those girls are my heros, coming to a new school senior year where you dont know anyone. Props to those cute girls, now I added 2 to my list of seniors met, im trying to meet all the seniors at CC theres only 280 and I want to know my graduating class. Its possible and im trying my best! 1. Ellen B 2. Stacey A 3. Sabrina 4. Braden (These are only the new new faces, ive met some kids ...