
Showing posts from December 21, 2012


crazy week  crazy week!  this week sarah and i were NEVER apart. only when we were sleeping..that's about it cause we hung out almost everyday! and let me tell you if we don't hang out we have withdrawls. Wednesday: -The Christmas Assembly... and i think that can be summed up by Kolton and Madee. Prime stuff guys prime! It was a blast! :)  -Christmas Album: can i just say Alta is so talented that they could put a Christmas album together! My top two are Kenzie Hall's song and then Kramer and Ellee's they are amazing! :) -The rest of that day we just watched movies not much to say. -After school Sarah, Anna and I went to go get lunch cause lets be honest we are teenagers, we eat! We went to Panda and these Lone Peak kids come in so naturally Sarah and I want to talk to them. So on our way out we do. We ask them if its cool or weird if girls ask guys on dates. He said it was cool. Then Sarah asked him if he knew this girl named Bonnie. And he did ...