spring - semester - week - one

so Spring semester has begun. and if it all goes like this week has i am going to ace this semester, have so many new friends, earn a ton of money, actually get ready everyday, love my roommates even more (if thats possible), have the cutest house ever, make the best memories with my friends, but most of all do all that running on like 4 hours of sleep. so this week has been the funnest, most tiring and easiest weeks of my life. really contradicting but it happens. it has been the funnest because I have played monopoly, given 100 hennas, and caught up with friends from the break, gotten snow cremes, danced my heart out, gone to basketball games, decorated our living room. but then its been the most tiring because instead of just 3 2.5 hour shifts I have 3 2.5 shifts + a 6 hour shift starting. really not that bad right? wrong. they start at 4:30 am so i might as well just roll over dead because i am such a night owl it isn't even fun...