|| EFY: day 3 ||

My company are becoming my best friends! They are all so cute and nice and have really welcomed me in! At breakfast Brandon, devree and I wrote I love you Notes and left them around and seeing people smile was just so amazing! The littlest things mean the most! The classes were amazing and I got to sit by zach and chandler!! They are way cool and were SO shy before now zach is kinda opening up an man he is the coolest kid! Chandler, speak boy speak! :) At lunch Morgan spilled mustard on his pants.. And we all tease him about it but we love him! It's not personal mo it's really not!! Our company would be broken with out you! Musical program: I am sharing my testimony in the program and I am so excited. Paige said it was a good idea and since this maybe my first and last EFY I am doing everything I can.. Except get boys to come to musical program.. They are lame. Except Austin and Taven came today!! :) and kaleb has come both days! Good job boys! SKITS&FLAGS Ou...