finals - week

this week has been worse than finals week. mainly because i had 1 Psychology presentation 1 Commemorative Speech 1 8 page essay due 1 Human Development Test 7 Volunteer hours 1 Public Speaking Test and 1 Psychology Quiz to do this week while next week. I have 1 final.. that's it. but guess what I did it! the pre finals week is over and now I have a week to study so I can ace my Psychology final. I am kind of annoyed that my one and only final next week is on THURSDAY. like what? i'm done with classes and am going to be so bored all next week! I have no idea what I am going to do. I got a few extra hours at work and thats about it. Jamie and I are going to be so bored together so we decided that we are going to get crafty together. Shout out to Marsing.. I really hate your class and I honestly am going to fail this final because you haven't even prepared us for any of your tests at all... I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE DAY I DON'T HAVE TO BE IN YOUR CL...