
Showing posts from December 25, 2012

•• Christmas ••

Last night was Cristmas Eve as everyone already knows!  It was great cause I got all my Christmas shopping done since I'm a slacker as waiting till the last minute.  After that we came home and had Christmas Dinner. Which was delicious thanks Mom and Sara.  After dinner we read Luke 2 and talked about it while I was huddled in my little nook in the family room! It's prime. A little spot on the couch with a billion pillows around me and blankets over me. It is so comfy can I tell you that!  We opened up a present last night and my family never really has the pajama Christmas Eve tradition and it's so sad cause everyone was instagramming their cute pictures! #jealous  Then at 11:00ish when everyone was settling down for bed we got a knock at the door. It was the Who's. For those of you who don't know who the Who's are they are two great kids who have even doing the 12 days of Christmas to 12 different girls and I made the 12th day! I'm truly honore...