
Showing posts from October 30, 2016

don't ask--

these last few months have been pure heck to put it simply. being a young adult is one of the worst things ever. going to school while having to work to pay for school, then trying to fulfill church callings and have a social and dating life is actually impossible.  I have met some pretty amazing people these last few months and i am so happy to have so many new friendships! but there have also been a few old and new that are just added stress in my life. guys can i just say that those who say dating is a game, are obviously not dating the right people. dating shouldn't be a game, you shouldn't have to guess if they like you, if they don't, if they ever will again or if you're just wasting your time. it's the worst.  if you like someone TELL THEM. if you don't like someone DON'T LEAD THEM ON. that is the worst thing you can do to someone, is give them false hope. If you want to still be friends, great be friends just don't be a jerk about it...