\\ class of change \\
my class could be called the class of change. every school year there is big change in that year or the year after us. so we leave before the change. in elementary school: Sunrise got a huge new playground that all the 6th graders earned money for and we didn't even get to play on it. in middle school: the Student Council had as many members as people that ran i mean they don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings anymore but they let everyone that applied on. before they had a set about but Mrs. Jensen (i think) decided that she didn't want anyone to feel bad. (this one may be for the good but...) in high school: we got rid of mens and womens week the year we came. they are having Corner Canyon opening our senior year. We have to go to school with freshmen our senior year. There isn't anymore Spirit Bowl games the year we came. and i feel like there are a few more.. but i don't like it everything changes around me. and i know change in...