// perfect ending //

okay so tonight couldn't have been a more perfect ending to a more perfect long weekend! so to start the day off i didn't get out of bed until about 1ish. then when i did i took the longest shower ever..and contemplated all of my life decisions (doesn't everyone do that?) i love it, cause i always do that. but after the life decision making i just chilled watched some tv ate some food it was a pretty chill afternoon. then Sarah texts me and we are gonna hang out. so i get ready, make my self look publicly acceptable and left. i picked sarbear up and we headed to the dollar store to get kazoos cause sarbear loves them cause they are hours of entertainment.. so we got those got back in the car.. HELLO they DON'T work. Welcome to the dollar store, you get what you pay for. but its okay cause i got plastic bubbles. but we couldn't play with them yet cause we were meeting Ryan Stephenson at u-swirl. we got there and had a lovely little chat and ryan walks and i...