•• American Friday Night ••

Yesterday was crazy! I was determined to have a great day. -Sarah and I woke up and actually had a conversation other than the usual hating school one. My Prince Charming is coming ;) and Pitch Perfect 2 better come out soon! -history: did nothing -ASL: did nothing -finance: didn't go -powerlifting didn't go... After school (that got out at 12:15) Sarah, Anna, Candace and I went to Ihop! Then Sarah and I went around and did errands for her mom and then we went over to see Ry who just got his wisdom teeth out. Ry is the funniest person ever, but with his wisdom teeth out on meds he is hilarious! We got there 4:30ish and Josh and Powell were there. Ryan told us all his stories, Alli and Ryan are getting married to anyone who wants to come send me your address! ;) we stated for quite awhile till 7ish and we were laughing the whole time! After a little bit Spencer, Ezra, Jon, and Jake came over it was quite an event! Rys brother was cleaning out a room and it had a ton o...