|| 5 things ||
So I've been slacking in readers lately! And it's makin me pretty sad! :( but here is a 5 things to post to "start" march off. 1. Mission calls are everywhere! I hate it cause I don't want them to leave then I think why they are leaving and I love it! I'm a crier so if you see me at a call opening ill probably be crying! 2. Student Body Elections are coming up soon and I'm not scared but I'm worried cause I heard I was running against Justin Hunt, if you know this kid you know he could potentially be a threat ;) but I'm hoping that the third time will be the charm and my senior year will be my year to be an SBO! Any slogan ideas for me? Let me know! 3. Girls can I give you advice? Friend zone all boys-ALL-it will save you in the long run because let's be real you don't want them until they are an RM anyways ;) friend boys > boy friends anyway. 4. My creative side came out this week and I am very pleased with the out come! My wal...