So here's the deal I am challenging anyone that hears about this to do it. It's called Ballsy Thursday cause Sarah and I both did something crazy that took courage on a Thursday. Hence the name. Ballsy Thursday is simply just doing something crazy that takes some courage. Doing something you've never done before (and maybe even have always wanted to) Sarah Anna Candace and I did it last night and man it was great. I can't really tell you what we did but after we dropped Candace and Anna off Sarah and I went through the round about by draper pool backwards cause sarah ahead never done that. It was kinda weird like it just felt wrong. The universe was going the wrong way. If you haven't ever done that I encourage you to (when no one is in it of course. Don't be stupid) its weird. Simply weird. But we had a great Thursday night and it definately have me a good nights rest. But then my aunt magically got here not telling me she was coming but my aunt Sara...