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so last week was the 24th but i have to back up to the 23rd to fully tell this story.. I worked 6am to noon then 4:30 to 9pm. i stayed up till midnight then on the 24th i had another 6 am to noon then had to come back to work at 3-6... it sucked but not even cause the 6 am split shifts.. listen to this. so bae (Holden) came to swim and we were just watching him and berbs was annoyed that he came so he hid his towel in the girls locker room locker 25. but then bae got out and he freaked out and it was hilarious until he took me as hostage with eli and josh just watching...berbs said they don't negotiate with terrorists and that's when bae threw me in. yes HE THREW ME IN IN FULL SWEATS. that's not cool.. throwing me in yeah that's usual.. in full sweats thats not. i was gonna kill him. i still hate him right now. after that we didn't think anyone would come swimming cause its a utah holiday. but we had one swimmer. so i went out to guard for him. i go out there an...