I AM STRESSED about India. STRESSED. I am still a few hundred dollars away from my deadline.. and i won't be getting my pay check until after APRIL 11th my dead line. i need $700 more. and i have pushed my limits. i have woken up at 4:30 am to get a few hours of work in before a few hours of school. only to go back to work to teach swim lessons. just to go back to school. then the library to study until i go to bed then i wake up and do it again. i can't handle more work on my plate right now but that is just what i am getting. this week is spring break. and what a better way to spend it and reminiscing over what i did last year. go to india. it just seems right to work towards india again this spring break. no one is here. i have ample time. so i am working every morning and have taken extra shifts even. plus i am working with my brother on selling these ...