| Missionaries Everywhere |

Feburary-April are the craziest months for Senior boys. Its a time where they become Elders. I love it, last year all the bros got their mission calls, I was only able to make it to Ry, Ez and Josh's openings but I was at everyone of the bro's farewells. They changed my life. I can't even tell you, at Jake's farewell talk he was talking to just me, I swear he was, I don't understand why everyone else was there because it was for me. I still remember it vividly! I honestly am in tears thinking about all the bros, but they are definitely happy tears. They were my older brothers, but now its our year, the class of 2014 is ready for anything . The boys are putting in their papers and getting their calls like crazy, a few really great guys have already gotten theirs: ^^ Tyler Teerlink (Mexico City South, Mexico) ^^ Max Johnson- Taipei, Taiwan ^^Mack Richards- Puebla North, Mexico ^^Wid-Madagascar Bridger-Taiwan Justin AND Matt- Alpine, Germany Toni...