
Showing posts from September 11, 2012

( Homecoming )

Image most of you have found out by now...i got asked to homecoming!! aka my FIRST dance! :)  PRIOR TO GETTING ASKED: -Ashleighs car broke down on 13th, we barely made it to Draper Park parking lot! -I worked from 4-10 -Then worked on homework from 10:30-12...Pre-Calc sucks! -felt sick and dizzy at work ASKING: He asked me Thursday night which seriously was the best cause i was having the worst day ever!  But i wasn't home when he asked me i was at work but my mom said come in the front door and lock it..she never says that cause i can lock it from inside...but i did it and to my  surprise  there was a white board asking me to homecoming.. Yes, i am an idiot cause i went over each name to see if they all erased and i went over all of them and they all looked like they erased so i thought it was a joke at first..then i tried again and Nate Teahan was left on the board along with Jordyn. Homecoming? It was pretty great! :)   this is what i wal...