|| EFY : day 2 ||

I'm in love I'm in love and I know care who knows it. My company I love them. They are some of the coolest people. I am not going to post my spiritual EFY post till Saturday so this is just the fun stuff! But today was our first day of classes it was amazing Brother Richards, oh my heck! I could listen to him talk for forever! (Honestly he is that good) I think today was really a bonding time for me. I made good friends with ronny, devree, Morgan, Brandon and Kaleb. They are amazing I know it and can't wait to spend more time with them tomorrow! Tonight for free time we took a trip to get some aggie ice cream. It was amazing and I am in love. One more thing to love about Utah state! :) it's amazing. On our way back. Morgan and I found his schools cheer team up here too. Alta's team is up here.. His school seems way chill. It's super small but I would love that! At dinner Brandon and Morgan and I were in tears. Well morgan was he was laughing so hard because...