•• spiritual sunday || week 5 ••
Notes: -when can the gospel make us happy? When we have the right relationship with god! -we can't do anything on our own, but that's okay because Heavenly Father knows us. -we need to care for each other, teach others, be able to be taught and sit together with god. -we gain knowledge of good vs. evil by praying to Heavenly Father -everyone's challenges are customized to everyone individually but sometimes they make us come together -before we were bodies we were spirits, before we were spirits we were intelligence. -to prove: is to show by action -when Satan has taken you over and bound you up he just walks away leaving you alone while laughing about it -blessings aren't like a microwave put something in and ding you have blessings you have to work for them yet they are still inevitable -even if you make mistakes gods road is still there, it has speed bumps and stop signs but it never comes to a dead end -you always have a choice to make amend...