
Showing posts from August 11, 2014

| its over |

this summer, summer 2014 is coming to a close. and its bittersweet. I am so excited for Snow, and meeting my cute roomates an all the fun adventures i will go on down there. but i just don't want to move away from my best friends and go into the unknown. i was joined at the hip with C$ and Berbs all summer. and when I said my final goodbye to them yesterday i just felt like apart of me was gone. we would do everything together. - get food - run errands - shop - get food  - have late night chats - sit around - watch movies - get food - have burping contests - have full on wrestling matches over my phone everything.  they went to san diego with out me and i'm so sad, i'm going to miss them.  so i got them a few things to survive.  - a water gun - socks - merica bandana (C$) - training bra (berbs) - tampon holder (C$) - a card then josh gave me his bandana that i can only wear like tupac and i was more than ...