God's timing is perfect, mysterious, hard, but perfect. Yesterday at church our Stake President was late so to fill time Bishop talked about a few people in the ward that were preparing for missions and called me out to bare my testimony. Which was a major flashback to Suncrest ward when Bishop Shields would do that to me. But it was great cause that's gonna be exactly what happens on the mission. But anyways when President finally got to our ward. We got the news that the ward boundaries changed, and that Suncrest wasn't in the Fort Canyon Ward anymore. As soon as that happened there were tears. The girl who started it all Honestly Fort Canyon has become family to me. For the whole first summer I sat alone at church in the back because everyone was so intimidating, they all knew each other, went to school together and lived in Alpine. I decided to go to the Yuba Lake trip with the ward and I dragged Samantha along with me. And that was the beginning of it all. That...