this - year
2 0 1 4 has been an amazing year. first of all I started it out with my best friend Ashley Lee and all of our friends. then I went to India and met the most amazing people through it I graduated Had the best summer so far w/ Josh and Christian Moved out Started College Met my current best friends Moved into C17 with the most amazing roommates I could have asked for Finished my first semester @ Snow Declared my Major Planned out my schooling for the next 2 years And now its all coming to an end. I cannot even express my appreciation to everyone that has been apart of my life this past year. But there are definitely a few that have stuck out to me. My Mom and Dad, Ezra Segura, Andrea Cook, Sophie Wilson, Tanner Ashby, Jacob Van Skyhawk, Ashley Lee, Cassie Conrad, Josh Miller, Brandon Mortensen, Josh Berbert, Christian Murphy, Bailee Franklin, Madeline Froerer, Chase Ritter, Brother Johnson, Chad and Natalie Thorell, Lisa Palmer, and last but no...