merry - christmas

sorry so sorry. long time without posting.. i kinda forgot about this for awhile! today is CHRISTMAS! holla! i hope you all are loving spending time with your family and opening presents but also remembering the true meaning of Christmas this season. #heisthegift so last night other than making a hilarious snapchat story i slept with my little brothers and they woke up at 5 am to go look at their presents.. little brats. I think I am the only kid who never snuck down to peek at our presents before everyone else woke up.. cool. but then we opened presents and headed to see Night at the Museum 3. about 10 minutes through I get a call.. yeah I'm in a movie but I am so glad I did. It was a call from Indiana. cough cough specifically the Indianapolis part of Indiana! AHH I was dying. I couldn't be happier to hear from this cute boy. It had been a year and 2 months since I had seen him or even heard his voice (other than the millions of times I watched his YouTu...