
Props to Jordyn Standage for being a terrible blogger this past week! But I have reasoning Monday to Friday I had training till usually 8ish and then Saturday I had my first day of work, then I came home and slept then stayed in bed all day cause I could barely move my back! It hurts to sit and stand so if I lay I'm good... But then today I worked again and holy moly I'm already getting super cute tan lines from my lifeguard tank! But just look at this this is my view right now from my bed It's so pretty! And here is a picture from my walk on Saturday Suncrest is the perfect place to live in the summer! But the winter anywhere but Suncrest is great! I didn't really do much this weekend cause I didn't make plans! But this week I've made 200$$ HOLLA! Here I come India! :) Summer 2k13 is gonna be filled with -getting a tan -life guarding -mowing lawns -babysitting -day camps -hanging out with my daybreak buds (since they are the only ones who snapchat and text ...