
Showing posts from April 30, 2013

\\ another one bites the dust \\

well i didn't make senior class either. but cute little paige swaggy cavaness and Kaitlin Brannelly   were there to hug me when i started crying! i love them they are so amazing! and i look up to both of them so very much!  well this was my last shot for class officer and i gave it my all. that's all i can do. I am sad that neither of the girls make it to finals, guys and girls just FYI girls would make just a good of presidents as boys i mean come on. lets switch it up a little. Boys don't just vote for boys cause youre buds. and girls don't just vote for boys because they are hot. vote for who you think would have been the best in office! congrats just and trip you guys are amazing! :)  well this is a short post cause im staying classy and don't want to complain. but just in case anyone wanted to stay caught up on my nose case. i had another bloody nose that lastest forever and now i am pale as a ghost and my face hurts cause there is no blood in it.. i am d...