well hey there folks. I don't know what to do with this blog anymore. you know my life failing and succeeding how much i don't get along with girls how annoyed i get with girls about tayt about next year etc. everything interesting about me is over and tayt and I never do anythin fun anymore we watch the hundred, cuddle and go to class and the library. life is getting dull which sucks because TAYT AND I WON'T HAVE A SUMMER + A FALL SEMESTER + A WINTER BREAK + A SPRING SEMESTER + POTENTIALLY ANOTHER SUMMER. so I am gonna do more stuff this semester for goodness sakes I have 1 class a day and work twice a week + swim lessons every two weeks. I have time. I need to do more. and i'm gonna. idk what i am gonna do more of so if you have ideas let me know. thanks.. PLEASE HELP ME OUT xoxo jordie