this past weekend was a blast thursday night i got to talk to teagan (whose name really is tayten but i call him teagan) we talked for forever about the weirdest things but it was fun even though it was freezing. then friday night Chase asked me to go on a blind date with some guys from Richfield that she knew. we went to the drive in where Once I was a Beehive was playing.. not gonna lie it was weird. it was fun yeah but my date didn't really talk and we went to a church movie. and we were in separate trucks and it was FREEZING and so uncomfortable. but we got home from that at like 11:30 and some of the b11 boys came over we watched a movie then teags ricky and i went longboarding down campus and in the institute parking lot. it was funny cause they are both basically beginners and it was funny to watch them try. i am not an expert by any means but it was funny to watch them. then we got bac...