
I am now a Corner Canyon High School Alumni.. what? That is so weird for me to say because I swear just yesterday I was walking into Alta High School for the first time as a baby sophomore, now I walked out of Corner Canyon High School as an alumni. Can I just tell you about my high school career? Sophomore year: I came to school on the first day of school with no best friends. I had friends cause we had all just come from the same middle school but I had no best friends from middle school anymore. I was terrified until Ashleigh and Candace came to my rescue, we had the best year together and have so many memories that were some of the funniest ones I have. I mean its not everyday when Ashleigh has lettuce come out of her nose! But sophomore year ended and I spent the summer with those two girls and geez we were a good time. Junior year: I had two best friends that I loved more than life itself. And at the Halloween dance we adopted Sarah into our friend group and the 4 of us...