| My Journey |
I have been with YMAD since May, it has been the best experience I could have asked for, honestly. From the beginning I have had so many people discourage me by saying, "fundraising is going to be so hard, how are you going to do it?" "Deadline is getting close you need to do more you aren't gonna make it." And stuff like that. To the people who said that and were doubting my ability to successfully make it through this year long process I say, "You're wrong, I did it over $4,000 raised in a year time period. I DID IT. I am going to India in a week and I proved you wrong. I had all of my money well before each dead line, I even had more sometimes." Thank you for doubting me, it just made me drive harder and work for it more. I haven't even gone to India yet but I have learned to many things like Love- I love everyone on my expedition like family, I hate thinking about how we are going to separate and not see each other every month at our YM...