•• fresh start Tuesday ••

Today was the start of a new semester and boy did it start good. I walk into seminary and find out I have West! I am so excited! He started by class by saying something unique about us. I said I have a blog that easily got blown out of the park because Kynlie Godfrey has gone cage diving with sharks, Anna Fenton has gotten attacked by a seal, and Courtney Keim has repelled off the Eiffel Tower. A lot of kids from my old class are in my class again this time like Molly, Courtney, Xanthe but I also have a few others like Chase Oviatt and Madee Giles. It's gonna be great movies and a good teacher! When someone sees you in the hall and gets a huge smile on their face, easily puts a smile on your face! :) Nothing really special happened in the rest of my classes but it was a good day! Then after school talking to Jake and Josh can make anyone's day. They are so funny!! Meow! Now driving home this little middle schooler sees me jamming out to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack and st...