
Showing posts from January 8, 2016

E R - D E E R

K. so... this past week has been memorable. i moved back to snow college.  went to the ER. hit a deer. and get to hang out with my friends again.  so on tuesday night my stomach decided to have a fit.  its happened twice before.  once during frozen with my family. and once last year. now it happened again. i get this nasty pain in my right side and it feels like someone is stabbing me.  and it is awful. the first time i went to the ER  they said i was dehydrated. the second time it happened i got a blessing and got pain meds then took nyquil and fell asleep through it. but this time it was worse  and the doctor in the ER  said that i was super hydrated and really healthy.  so boo you first ER doctor.  i told you it wasn't cause i was dehydrated because i still get them when i am hydrated.  but we were on our way home at 2 in the morning.  from the ER when we hit a d...