| j jazz with tom cruise |

Word to the wise don't give Devin nice things. Period. That's it. Just kidding but last night was hilarious. After ash and I were 30 minutes late to Tom Cruises last game, they lost. Which they blame on me but it's probably cause their attention span can only last half of the game, them they get bored and goof off. But they lost none the less. Ending with a season of 0-8. After the game I went to show them my poster that I took my time to do for them, I even colored it. And guess what happens to it... Devin ripped it to shreads cause he was a cool monster instead of a mammoth thing. The monster was sick, they all were and they complained. Blake: a beareded horse Parker: a mammoth thing Jake: a lion Me: team cheerleader Dragon: a dragon Hollis: a whale Jared: a crab Devin: a monster And alex coulda been an elephant or something if I knew his name. It was a sick sign let me tell ya it was cool. But we got a team pic and it just makes sense This is me tryi...