| I can't |

Everyday after school I just want to come home and sleep.. I can't fall asleep at night, I am up till 1 am every single night. and I don't know why I am usually laying down ready for bed around 10:30 I watch Netflix until 11ish then i lay in bed trying to find a comfortable spot on my bed so i can fall asleep, but I never do its the worst. so i come home from school and just sleep. so i haven't blogged in forever. But a TON has happened!! Friday was Corner Canyon's Senior Dinner Dance, and it was amazing. Shout out to one of my best friends, Brandon, for doing so much to get that ready it turned out so amazing! Ashley and I rode trax down with Chandler Ewell, Tanner Jensen and Josh Miller.. it was a fun time.. Then we got to the dance and the food was so amazing because we were all so starving! Then they had the senior slideshow.. and lets just say that if you wanted to watch it again, just go look through my instagram feed cause that's basically what it was.. i...