| sometimes we are friends |

Its Jake Van Skyhawks birthday everyone! Well it was yesterday when I started this post. This is Jake pictured below just in case you wanted to see him. We don't have a picture together which is kinda sad but we will get one when he gets me ice cream for losing our races on Sunday. But yesterday was a crazy day. It was late start cause the ACT which would have been nice if my mom didn't make me take my brothers to school. I had plans to go to breakfast with blake for free pancakes. But my moms plans changed and I couldnt go anymore. So I dropped my mom of at school and I went to pretzel time at South town mall. Best way to start the day, I was late to school... but I'm a senior and aide for posey so it doesn't even matter. After school I nannied until 7:30 then I went to get pancakes with blake for real, gray legs was there to and he's hilarious. But they put sugar in my water and it was actually greasy legs I'm pretty sure. But it was switched way to ma...