
E Y E - O P E N E R

hey y'all. long time not chat. sorry i start so many of my posts like that. lately i've been trying to step away from social media for a hot minute so i can focus on what's really important in preparation for my mission. man has it been good, so refreshing and awesome. and even more so eye opening. i wasted so much time scrolling through friends, family and loved ones that i care so much about (not even just instagram or facebook friends that i didn't really know they just seemed cool i got rid of those long ago). looking at that 10% of their lives through that square we take so much time perfecting. i want to see the other 90%. the hard days, so i can stop by and say hi. the rough times, so i can share words of encouragement. the sad days, where i can be a shoulder to cry on. I want to really know what's going on in your life, but we don't show that through social media. we can't it's not acceptable. we can't be vulnerable. well guess what guys...


God's timing is perfect, mysterious, hard, but perfect. Yesterday at church our Stake President was late so to fill time Bishop talked about a few people in the ward that were preparing for missions and called me out to bare my testimony. Which was a major flashback to Suncrest ward when Bishop Shields would do that to me. But it was great cause that's gonna be exactly what happens on the mission. But anyways when President finally got to our ward. We got the news that the ward boundaries changed, and that Suncrest wasn't in the Fort Canyon Ward anymore. As soon as that happened there were tears. The girl who started it all Honestly Fort Canyon has become family to me. For the whole first summer I sat alone at church in the back because everyone was so intimidating, they all knew each other, went to school together and lived in Alpine. I decided to go to the Yuba Lake trip with the ward and I dragged Samantha along with me. And that was the beginning of it all. That...

2017 + a little secret

honestly have had the best year ever. on January 4th I decided that 2017 was going to be my year of travel and it was. I went to India in May, Vietnam in August, Banff in October, Mexico in November and still deciding on where I'm going to spend the New Year. I'm so excited for the changes that are happening in my life. This year has been so good and so not. I've had a lot of bad news texts, calls, and talks. But all in all yesterday was my favorite day because December 19, 2017 at approximately 7:00 pm I submitted my LDS mission papers. I am going on a mission y'all. I really don't know what to expect now. It's just a waiting game until my call comes. and then i'll probably tell you that that's the best day of the year cause I'll finally know where I am going to spend my next 18 months. It's honestly the craziest story of how it all happened. So rewind a few months... I'm just living life going to school, working, trying to be social, bl...

long time no chat

sorry family. its been a minute. life has been so busy. work, school and squad. it's a busy life and trying to balance it all has been so hard. honestly everyone tells us college students to: -get good grades -go to class -pay attention in class -have a job -have a social life -be healthy -be active at church -get enough sleep -date -go to the temple -volunteer -have hobbies but do we all really have time for it? no I can say I do not. Lately I have been slacking in the get good grades, pay attention in class, be healthy, get enough sleep, date, go to the temple and have hobbies. I don't have time for it because I work 30-40 hours a week, I go to school full time, and I hang out with my friends. but on top of that I have to complete 40 hours of clinical hours for 1 class, 25 hours for another and 10 for another. its ridiculous. but i only have one year left. that's why i haven't written. but to update you a little bit. squad is still so great, love ...


Can I just say that I am the luckiest girl in the world? Yesterday was a dream, it was the best day honestly. Started out by sleeping in because I didn't have work! (HOLLA) then I went to class (NOT holla) but it wasn't too bad. After class I got to go shopping for Valentine's dance decorations. Then headed to the church to set up for the dance which was a total dud but ya know I had a good time and I got to dance with Dal so who even cares! After that Danny, Lyss and I caught the last 2 minutes of Allie's game, but it's fine cause we got to see Al and cute T and Zo! After that we went to get Mad's and headed up to the boys game WHERE THEY KILLED IT. I am pretty sure  Danny had 4 goals and Mads had 3! Like what? That's incredible, @Danny you're welcome it's definitely all because of my pep talk I gave you. At the end of the boys game, honestly right as it ended Dayton shows up with candy, gift cards and roses for us girls. I wanted to die, it was ...

s q u a d

so it's been a hot minute since I've blogged. but i had finals  haha k just kidding that's not the reason I have been hanging out with the squad every second of my life so maybe y'all wanna know about the squad. so squad member #1 aka my favorite person ever. ALLIE HALE she really is the greatest example in my life. I met her at YUBA she is quite the character she had to ask a few guys I was going on dates with about me to make sure I was cool enough to hang out with her. BUT our friendship didn't start until I texted her if she was free and to come hang out. Ever since then we've hung out almost everyday. Especially these past few days I've been Allie's sidekick at work and on all of her errands. She just tells me when we are leavin and I'm there. We planned it perfectly one weekend. Thursday we were out until 5 am watching movies, Friday we went to Top Golf till 2 am, Saturday we woke up at 6am and drove down to St. George for the...


a little bit ago i got to go down to gunnison to a cabin with a few of my friends (before the cabin most of us were strangers with time that changed!) Friday boy kenna and i drove down to gunnison we were the shoppers and got all the food, which was great cause ya know we got some donuts for us... best idea ever good job ken!  we got to gunnison and the troops rallied at boy's house and finally after an hour or so we all head out to the cabin! it had snowed just a few days before so the roads were pretty snowy but not too bad! we made it with very minimal reversing cause we didn't have traction. the first night was games games games games games. literally so many games and so much virtual reality! Which is hilarious by the way! We played about 100 rounds of murder in the dark and lets just say tanner was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. he had bodies dumped on him, murderers searching for him, and too many witnessed deaths! hahah it was hilarious (Even though i f...