Can I just say that I am the luckiest girl in the world? Yesterday was a dream, it was the best day honestly. Started out by sleeping in because I didn't have work! (HOLLA) then I went to class (NOT holla) but it wasn't too bad. After class I got to go shopping for Valentine's dance decorations. Then headed to the church to set up for the dance which was a total dud but ya know I had a good time and I got to dance with Dal so who even cares! After that Danny, Lyss and I caught the last 2 minutes of Allie's game, but it's fine cause we got to see Al and cute T and Zo! After that we went to get Mad's and headed up to the boys game WHERE THEY KILLED IT. I am pretty sure

Danny had 4 goals and Mads had 3! Like what? That's incredible, @Danny you're welcome it's definitely all because of my pep talk I gave you. At the end of the boys game, honestly right as it ended Dayton shows up with candy, gift cards and roses for us girls. I wanted to die, it was the sweetest thing ever. Then Al decides to hand us out gift cards to and I just didn't know what to do. These people have taken my world and flipped it upside down. I don't even know what I did to deserve them. After that we had a minor dance party and by minor i don't mean minor at all. Lyss was getting down before we got some in-n-out. It was the funniest ending of the night. #squadruinsinnocenceandbedtimes

This time last year I honestly thought I would have been married by now, but thank goodness I am not because I realized everything I wanted in my life a year ago is not even close to what I have and want in my life now. Valentine's is the day of love and I am thankful for all my past relationships, friendships, and all the people who have shown me love in my life. The people around me right now are a dream. Squad is so great I can't even handle it, my family means the world to me, the Fort Canyon ward has changed my

heart, Operation Jazba has started to change my life. I don't even know how to thank everyone including Ashley, Andrea, Hazi, Kass, Morgan, Kaderade and Atrain. These people are there for me and I know if I called them up they would be there even if we don't talk to each other that often.
This post is really jumbled, but i hope you get what I mean. I love squad, I love my family, I love my friends and I love my life. And most of all I wish the best for those not in my life anymore for whatever reason it is I wish you the best
Happy Day of Love (a day late)
xoxo Jordie
and some great memories
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